Thursday, April 29, 2021


Tomorrow we're holding our last group webinar.

At the end of our project, we're meeting a Mindfulness Practitioner from Turkey, who will point out some relevant points and give us useful tips related to being mindful in our daily lives. 

It'll surely be a great meeting!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Celebrating Children's Day

 Last Tuesday, April 20, we celebrated Children's Day in a very special way.

First, Sibel's students gave us a wonderful presentation on the importance of Children's Day in Turkey.

Afterwards, all the schools participating in the online meeting made a presentation of their famous person as a child, for the rest to guess.

Children and teachers had a very pleasant time.

Thank you all for these moments of sharing, which is the soul of our project.

See you soon, colleagues!

Friday, April 23, 2021



Dear All,

This week, we came together with our project partners and students to celebrate National Sovereignty and children's Day on April 23. It was invaluable to welcome children around the world to our country and celebrate this enthusiasm together. We are very, very grateful that you shared this feeling with us and erased the distances.

Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, said that children will shape the world of the future.Children who will shape this world, you are all the hope of the future! I wish everyone to find little happiness like children in these difficult days.

“We are the children of the world. We lean on the world, and the world leans on us. Whether the world is beautiful, vibrant, green or dry-roasted depends on the path we Yesil walk. “(Thich Nhat Hanh)


Happy National Sovereignty and Children's Day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 An inspiring challenge

    Yesterday, Tuesday 13th April, was a special day at our school. We held a two-side competition with Alessandra's Italian squad. The session started with some technical problems on our side, but in the end, we managed to sort them out. The Kahoot competition was exciting and inspiring. The only problem seemed to be the overexcitement of the students. The reason for this, is their love of Kahoot competitions and this new international experience for all of them.

    It was a good start for future projects and the internationalization of our school.


            The background noise speaks for itself. It sounds just like a Beatles'                    concert in the sixties!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


April 13, 2021

It's the end of a school day. 1 pm. 

It's a Tuesday, which in our language is called "Martedì" (meaning: the day of Mars, the ancient Rome God of War).

Tuesdays are always somewhat messy. Chaotic. Sometimes you can feel that 'bellicose' spirit in the air.

It looks like the perfect day for a competition with our friends who live on the other side of the pond (the mediterranean Sea): our Spanish partners with their masters: teachers Salvador and Francisco.

Connection on ... 3...2...1... go! The battle starts, and on both sides there are moments of concentration and exultation.

Time goes by so fast, when you're having fun.

But in the end, eyes sparkle and hearts are full

Magic happened again. 

And we're so thankful for that.

 Today our students from Italy and Spain enjoyed an enduring time together, sharing a Kahoot game which was hard-fought.


Even if we have to deal with distance and CoVID restrictions we can keep on having fun together, experiencing moments that we will definitely treasure for the rest of our lives.